Saturday, December 5, 2009

Springing from window to window. That vision covered a dozen streets in both directions because most of the vicinity was a crumbled wasteland. Yet it had never occurred to the enemy either.

Respectful. He doubted she ever made amends to any of the other Tower personnel. A Prime and the second in command of a Tower needed to cultivate their rapport - a rapport which must develop and intensify. To what degree? Afra wondered once again recalling Reidinger's remark. Was that behind the Rowan's apologetic behaviour? In the seconds it took to complete the bow Afra decided it would.
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System of his target sights did not depend alone on visible light. In a lightning move he hit the master switch which was programmed to open a concentrated fire from all weapons against the fleeing ship. Within the Ironduke two power stations suddenly came to life which were for exclusive backup of the weapons section. The great spherical hull was shaken by the howl of silo-thick energy beams which tore through the heavy atmosphere of Lepso and unleashed hurricanes in their wake. "What the devil!" yelled Alkher unable to comprehend what he saw. Under the giant beam-fire of the Ironduke the Trader long-ship only gained speed. Neither disintegrators thermo or impulse beams succeeded in ripping the enemy defence screen asunder. A tremendous cascade of ravening energy virtually sprayed off the screen in all directions. For a moment the rocky desert.
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